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Blog: Blog2

Walk Away: The Conclusion

For the girl and the boy

For the gay and the straight

For the fat and the skinny

For the short and the tall

For the strong and the struggling

You are never alone

Since childhood, we've always been taught that everyone's special, that everyone's unique. Yet today, we live in a world with contradicting perspectives. Everyone is judged by how fat, rich, tall and smart they are - everyone is labelled! I have seen my best friends face these very problems and while I wasn't able to help them then, I believe that I can still help them now. Through each of my blogs, I hope that I have been able to give you valuable tips in order to make you prepared and immune to the hardships of bullying.

This has been a great and lasting experience. If you would like to keep on hearing from me, follow me on instagram, view my articles on medium and like my documentary on youtube. The links have been attached below. But before we part ways, I'd like to give you my final and most valued tip:

Walk Away

The one thing I've learnt over the years is that they might tease you, call you names, kick you and spread rumors about you but that doesn't mean you need to change who you are. Don't let others insecurities and problems define you. You are who you are, you are unique and you must stand up for yourself. If the world pushes you down, you get up again, no matter how tough it may be. They might gossip about you and exclude you, but you can always choose to walk away.

Quote of the Week:

"It's okay to limit the time you spend with people who drain you"


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