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What is the meaning of life?

What is the meaning of life? Why do we decide to live when we are bound to die? Why do we decide to take and not to give? Why do we keep going on? ...

What is the point in keep going on?

At one point in life, everyone has thought about the answers to these very questions. Everyone has questioned their existence. Everyone has felt hopeless. Everyone has felt weak. Yet, after so much thinking, most of us have decided to hold on. Most of us can never bear the idea of committing suicide. Why? Because we have a life which we look forward to every single day. Despite all the meaningless work and efforts, we have a family to eat with and friends to share your experiences with. We have that one thing we desire, that one goal that we can't stop thinking about. We have a future we look forward to.

Except that a few of us have don't... Imagine living a life where you go to school everyday but you are secluded and isolated. You do not have one friend to talk to you. It feels like every action you take is being closely watched and being closely monitored. Then, you find yourself standing in the middle of the class with everyone laughing at you from all sides. Life is hell! You come back home and you parents ask you - How was your day? What did you enjoy the most? You have nothing to tell them... You cry the entire night, not being able to sleep and miss the deadline for the english task. The next day, you are shouted at by the teacher. You have no excuse to give her and then, the same day repeats over and over again.

In this situation, would you want to keep on going? Would you want to keep on persevering? Well, I wouldn't. I would think about the same questions everyone has thought about at one point in their life and I wouldn't see any point in living. I would probably try to get through a few more days and when I can't take it no more - I would give up. The thought of committing suicide wouldn't seem so absurd anymore. And everything would turn pitch black.

This is how bullying feels on a daily basis. This is how disastrous your life could be. You might say that "Bullying is just a phase in life" and that "You just have to get through with it" but you've never really seen the other side. You need to understand the crux of this problem and you need to support those in need. Occasionally, say hi to those who aren't included. Talk to them and understand their life. I can bet that you cannot even imagine what they're going through. Bullying is worse than you think it is and I believe that we ought to take action. So let's take action. Let's take action together.


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