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The Harmful Effects of Cyberbullying

Bullying, no matter whether it is traditional bullying or cyberbullying, causes significant emotional and psychological distress. In fact, just like any other victim of bullying, cyber-bullied children deal with low self-esteem, experience physical symptoms, and struggle academically. However, in contrast, targets of cyberbullying also experience some unique consequences and negative feelings.


  • Feeling Overwhelmed: Being targeted by cyberbullies is crushing especially if a lot of kids are participating in the bullying. It can feel at times like the entire world knows what it is going on. 

  • Feeling Vulnerable and Powerless: Victims of cyberbullying often find it difficult to feel safe. They no longer have a place where they can escape. To a victim, it feels like bullying is everywhere.

  • Feeling Exposed and Humiliated: Because cyberbullying occurs in cyberspace, online bullying feels permanent. Kids know that once something is out there, it will always be out there.

  • Feeling Dissatisfied With Who You Are: Cyberbullying often attacks victims where they are most vulnerable. As a result, targets of cyberbullying often begin to doubt their worth and value.

  • Feeling Angry and Vengeful: Sometimes victims of cyberbullying will get angry about what is happening to them. As a result, they plot revenge and engage in retaliation. This approach is dangerous because it keeps them locked in the bully-victim cycle. It is always better to forgive a bully than it is to get even.

  • Feeling Disinterested in Life. When cyberbullying is ongoing, victims often relate to the world around them differently than others. For many, life can feel hopeless.

  • Feeling Suicidal: Cyberbullying increases the risk of suicide. Children begin to feel like the only way to escape the pain is through suicide. As a result, they may fantasize about ending their life in order to escape their tormentors.

If your child is being cyber-bullied, do not dismiss their feelings. Be sure you communicate daily, take steps to help end the torment and keep close tabs on changes in mood and behavior. Get your child evaluated by a health care professional if notice any personality changes at all.


  1. Think about what you write or photos you add

  2. Ask yourself, could these words be picked up the wrong way or cause upset?

  3. Is this photo suitable for lots of people to see?

  4. If you post something online and ‘comments’ or ‘chat’ becomes cruel, remove your posts so you are not part of a negative situation.

  5. Ask yourself - Would I like this to be read about myself?

  6. Always be careful online and remember that words don’t just hurt but can kill.


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